Już wkrótce “Sztuka rozniecania ognia” po angielsku
W najbliższych dniach, nakładem wydawnictwa Telkom Media ukaże się angielojęzyczne wydanie książki Romana Warszewskiego “Sztuka rozniecania ognia”. Będzie ono dystrybuowane przez Amazon.com. Książka, w wersji angielskiej, nosi tytuł “Art of Kindling Fire”. Poniżej – poprzedzająca ją przedmowa.
Art of Surprising the Reader
Roman Warszewski is a writer with an intriguing biography. Yet it is a biography that intrigues in an altogether different fashion than it is the case in the most famous examples of writers' biographies. Because the stages of his life are not marked off by the stations of the suffering of drunk-pounds and all-encompassing hangovers.
No, it's a different story, a different way of life. Roman Warszewski was born in Elbląg in 1959. And he was born with a certain interesting trait. By that I mean a skill of surprising others. The first time he managed to surprise everyone was when he was still a high school student. It happened in mid 1970s when Warszewski deciphered the Rongorongo script from the Easter Island. Specialists from many countries were helpless before the phenomenon of Rongorongo, and a young man from Elbląg (a provincial town, after all) deciphered the mysterious script.
That was Warszewski's first time to surprise everyone. After that it became almost mechanical.
At the beginning of the 1980s he completed his studies at the Department of Foreign Trade at the University of Gdańsk. He decided to make a quick trip to Germany. But the trip that he intended to be short became much longer as – it